Terms of use
1. GenÂerÂal
The term ComÂpaÂny refers to MeiÂhuizen Freight (Pty) Ltd and any subÂsidiary or affilÂiÂate of the ComÂpaÂny; and any direcÂtor, manÂagÂer, employÂee or agent of the ComÂpaÂny as may be approÂpriÂate. The terms and conÂdiÂtions laid out are for the use of the pubÂlic MeiÂhuizen InterÂnaÂtionÂal webÂsite: www.meihuizenint.com.
They do not form part of the StanÂdard Terms and ConÂdiÂtions of the ComÂpaÂny, unless specifÂiÂcalÂly menÂtioned, which can be accessed on this webÂsite or availÂable on request.
You should check this page from time to time to review these terms and conÂdiÂtions. Terms of usage are subÂject to change. By using or accessÂing this webÂsite you expressÂly accept these terms and conÂdiÂtions. If you do not accept these terms and conÂdiÂtions, please do not conÂtinÂue to use the webÂsite. You agree that these terms and conÂdiÂtions apply to any inforÂmaÂtion accessed via the webÂsite, and to all secÂtions of the website.
2. Use of the website
The ComÂpaÂny has made this webÂsite availÂable to you for your non-comÂmerÂcial use. We may modÂiÂfy, withÂdraw or deny access to the webÂsite at any time should it be found to be subÂjectÂed to any unauÂthoÂrised use or abuse. You may print or downÂload mateÂrÂiÂal on this webÂsite for your perÂsonÂal, non-comÂmerÂcial use proÂvidÂed that it is not in conÂtraÂvenÂtion of the limÂiÂtaÂtions of use set out below.
3. LimÂiÂtaÂtions of use
Users of the webÂsite are responÂsiÂble for the data or conÂtent of any docÂuÂments, comÂmuÂniÂcaÂtions or scripts of whatÂsoÂevÂer nature proÂduced or transÂmitÂted on the webÂsite or sysÂtem. The folÂlowÂing is strictÂly proÂhibÂitÂed in terms of use of the website:
- SendÂing, receivÂing, introÂducÂing, disÂplayÂing, accessÂing webÂsites, printÂing or othÂerÂwise disÂsemÂiÂnatÂing mateÂrÂiÂal that is strictÂly proÂhibÂitÂed. ProÂhibÂitÂed mateÂrÂiÂal includes but is not limÂitÂed to conÂtent that is sexÂuÂalÂly explicÂit, proÂfane, obscene, harassÂing, fraudÂuÂlent, racialÂly offenÂsive, defamÂaÂtoÂry, destrucÂtive proÂgrams (i.e. virusÂes or self-repliÂcatÂing code) or which is othÂerÂwise unlawful.
- VioÂlatÂing any nationÂal or interÂnaÂtionÂal laws;
- WastÂing comÂputÂer recourse, such as sendÂing mass email or chain letÂters or printÂing unnecÂesÂsary docÂuÂments; InfringÂing any copyrights;
- DownÂloadÂing or installing any unauÂthoÂrised proÂgrammes or softÂware on the sysÂtem, includÂing any ‘freeÂware’ or ‘shareÂware’ products;
- Removal of any hardÂware; and
- TakÂing part in any fraudÂuÂlent activÂiÂties. The user of this webÂsite in no way repÂreÂsents or binds the ComÂpaÂny and the ComÂpaÂny canÂnot be held liable for the activÂiÂties perÂformed by any user, whether authoÂrised or unauthorized
4. LiaÂbilÂiÂty
Although the ComÂpaÂny endeavÂors to ensure the webÂsite and sysÂtems are secure and updatÂed regÂuÂlarÂly, the ComÂpaÂny canÂnot be held liable for any loss harm or damÂage sufÂfered as a result of the use of the webÂsite or users who fall subÂject to hackÂing, data loss etc. We do not guarÂanÂtee that the webÂsite will be availÂable all the time or at any speÂcifÂic time, that access will be uninÂterÂruptÂed, that there will be no delays, failÂure, errors or omisÂsions or loss of transÂmitÂted information.
We reserve the right to modÂiÂfy the webÂsite or sysÂtem at any time. We shall not be liable to you for any physÂiÂcal loss or damÂage as a result of your use of this comÂputÂer, webÂsite or system.
The ComÂpaÂny has takÂen all reaÂsonÂable steps to reduce the risks of virusÂes and othÂer interÂferÂences or vulÂnerÂaÂbilÂiÂties, but canÂnot cerÂtiÂfy that the webÂsite or sysÂtem is immune to all virusÂes or defects and thereÂfore does not accept any liaÂbilÂiÂty for any damÂage sufÂfered or loss susÂtained as a result of any transÂmisÂsion, use of the webÂsite or sysÂtem or its effect on or comÂproÂmisÂing of any othÂer webÂsite, sysÂtems and/or device. You have sole responÂsiÂbilÂiÂty for adeÂquate proÂtecÂtion and back up of any data or information.
5. LimÂiÂtaÂtion of Liability
The inforÂmaÂtion conÂtained on this webÂsite is givÂen for genÂerÂal inforÂmaÂtion and interÂest purÂposÂes only. Whilst we try and ensure the inforÂmaÂtion conÂtained on the webÂsite is accuÂrate and up to date, we canÂnot be responÂsiÂble for any inacÂcuÂraÂcies in the inforÂmaÂtion. As a result, you should not rely on this inforÂmaÂtion, and we recÂomÂmend that you take furÂther advice or seek furÂther guidÂance before takÂing any action based on the inforÂmaÂtion conÂtained on this webÂsite. Our liaÂbilÂiÂty to you as explained hereÂin remains unafÂfectÂed by this. We do not accept any liaÂbilÂiÂty for any acts or omisÂsions resultÂing from your deciÂsion or opinÂion formed on the basis of your use of the webÂsite. Use of this webÂsite is at your sole risk.
We shall not be liable for any loss or damÂage whatÂsoÂevÂer and howÂsoÂevÂer arisÂing as a result of your use of or reliance on the inforÂmaÂtion conÂtained on the webÂsite to the maxÂiÂmum extent perÂmitÂted by law. We do not guarÂanÂtee that this webÂsite will be comÂpatÂiÂble with all or any hardÂware and softÂware which you may use.
We do not guarÂanÂtee that this webÂsite will be availÂable all the time or at any speÂcifÂic time, that access will be uninÂterÂruptÂed, that there will be no delays, failÂure, errors or omisÂsions or loss of transÂmitÂted inforÂmaÂtion. We reserve the right to withÂdraw or modÂiÂfy this webÂsite at any time. We shall not be liable to you for any physÂiÂcal loss or damÂage to your comÂputÂer as a result of your use of this webÂsite, includÂing any damÂage arisÂing as a result of a virus. You have sole responÂsiÂbilÂiÂty for adeÂquate proÂtecÂtion and back up of data and/or equipment.
6. DisÂclaimer
We specifÂiÂcalÂly state that the inforÂmaÂtion conÂtained on this webÂsite is intendÂed excluÂsive for jurisÂdicÂtions falling inside the RepubÂlic of South Africa. Those who access this webÂsite do so on their own iniÂtiaÂtive and are thereÂfore responÂsiÂble for comÂpliÂance with applicÂaÂble local laws and regÂuÂlaÂtions. By accessÂing each part of this webÂsite, the entrant has agreed that he/she has reviewed the webÂsite in its entireÂty includÂing any legal or regÂuÂlaÂtoÂry terms.
7. Links to othÂer webÂsites and services
The webÂsite may conÂtain links to othÂer webÂsites, which are not under our conÂtrol. The links to othÂer sites are for your conÂveÂnience and we do not accept any responÂsiÂbilÂiÂty or liaÂbilÂiÂty for enabling you to link to any othÂer webÂsite, for the conÂtents of any othÂer webÂsite, for the secuÂriÂty of any othÂer webÂsite, or for any conÂseÂquence of your actÂing upon the conÂtents of such webÂsite. No endorseÂment or approval of any third parÂties or their advice, opinÂions, inforÂmaÂtion, prodÂucts or serÂvices is expressed or implied by any inforÂmaÂtion on the website.
8. SevÂerÂabilÂiÂty
If any part of these terms and conÂdiÂtions is found by any court or othÂer comÂpeÂtent authorÂiÂty to be invalid, unlawÂful or unenÂforceÂable then such part shall be sevÂered from the rest of the terms and conÂdiÂtions which shall conÂtinÂue to be valid and enforceÂable to the fullest extent perÂmitÂted by law.
9. GovÂernÂing Law and jurisdiction
These terms and your use of this webÂsite are govÂerned by and conÂstrued in accorÂdance with laws of The RepubÂlic of South Africa and any disÂputes will be decidÂed only by the courts of The RepubÂlic of South Africa.
- RegÂuÂlaÂtion of InterÂcepÂtion of ComÂmuÂniÂcaÂtions (RIC) Act 70 of 2002. You hereÂby proÂvide us with perÂmisÂsion in terms of SecÂtion 4(1) of the Act to interÂcept any comÂmuÂniÂcaÂtion by acceptÂing these terms and conÂdiÂtions and by using our webÂsite you agree to the writÂing requireÂments imposed by the Act.
- ElecÂtronÂic ComÂmuÂniÂcaÂtions and TransÂacÂtions (ECT) Act 25 of 2002. SecÂtion 21 of the Act requires the ComÂpaÂny to reach agreeÂment as to the transÂmisÂsion of data mesÂsages and by using our webÂsite you agree that:
- this agreeÂment is conÂcludÂed in Cape Town South Africa
- data mesÂsages addressed by you, can only be deemed to have been received by the Company
- if they have been respondÂed to.
- an autoÂmatÂed response genÂerÂatÂed by the ComÂpaÂnies sysÂtems shall not conÂstiÂtute a response to you.
- You agree that data mesÂsages sent to the ComÂpaÂny from a comÂputÂer, IP address or mobile device norÂmalÂly used by you, was sent or authoÂrised to be sent by you personally.
10. Email
When the ComÂpaÂny comÂmuÂniÂcates with you via email, the inforÂmaÂtion conÂtained in the email is conÂfiÂdenÂtial and may conÂtain proÂpriÂetary and/or perÂsonÂal inforÂmaÂtion. It is meant soleÂly for the intendÂed recipÂiÂent. Access to the email by anyÂone else is unauÂthoÂrised. If you are not the intendÂed recipÂiÂent, any proÂcessÂing of the email or the inforÂmaÂtion conÂtained thereÂin (includÂing disÂcloÂsure, copyÂing, disÂtriÂbÂuÂtion, storÂage) or any action takÂen or omitÂted in reliance on this, is proÂhibÂitÂed and may be unlawful.
No liaÂbilÂiÂty or responÂsiÂbilÂiÂty is acceptÂed if inforÂmaÂtion or data is, for whatÂevÂer reaÂson corÂruptÂed or does not reach its intendÂed recipÂiÂent. No warÂranÂty is givÂen that the email is free of virusÂes. The views expressed in the email are, unless othÂerÂwise statÂed, those of the author and not those of the Company.
The ComÂpaÂny reserves the right to monÂiÂtor, interÂcept and block emails addressed to its users or take any othÂer action in accorÂdance with its interÂnal IT poliÂcies. Emails are tracked by the ComÂpaÂny for anaÂlytÂiÂcal purÂposÂes nameÂly to deterÂmine how the recipÂiÂent engages in the email e.g.) whether or not the email was delivÂered, opened, read or forwarded.
11. Data ProÂtecÂtion and ProÂtecÂtion of PerÂsonÂal InforÂmaÂtion Policy
By proÂvidÂing us with any inforÂmaÂtion you will be agreeÂing to the proÂviÂsions set out below, togethÂer with any othÂer terms you have agreed with the ComÂpaÂny where relÂeÂvant. Please ensure you have read and underÂstood these terms before you send the ComÂpaÂny any inforÂmaÂtion. This will apply to any inforÂmaÂtion you have already provided.
If you are a CusÂtomer of the ComÂpaÂny, details of the inforÂmaÂtion we colÂlect and how we use it will be set out in our POPIA ManÂuÂal and UnderÂtakÂing, also found on this webÂsite. In the event of a conÂflict between the POPIA ManÂuÂal and UnderÂtakÂing and the StanÂdard Terms and ConÂdiÂtions, the StanÂdard Terms and ConÂdiÂtions will take precedence.
We reserve the right to revise or supÂpleÂment the POPIA ManÂuÂal and UnderÂtakÂing from time to time at our sole disÂcreÂtion, and you agree to revisÂit this polÂiÂcy regÂuÂlarÂly to ensure you are familÂiar with the most curÂrent verÂsion. By conÂtinÂuÂing to deal with us you will be agreeÂing to any such change.
You must not send us perÂsonÂal inforÂmaÂtion about someÂone else withÂout first getÂting his or her conÂsent for it to be used and disÂclosed in the ways set out in this terms and conÂdiÂtions. This is because we will assume, he or she has conÂsentÂed although we may still ask for conÂfirÂmaÂtion from them. Where you do give us inforÂmaÂtion about someÂone else, or someÂone else disÂclosÂes a conÂnecÂtion with you, that inforÂmaÂtion may be takÂen into account with your othÂer perÂsonÂal information.
We treat your priÂvaÂcy very seriÂousÂly and we underÂstand that you will wish to know how we will use the inforÂmaÂtion we colÂlect from or about you. We use your perÂsonÂal inforÂmaÂtion in accorÂdance with the POPIA ManÂuÂal and UnderÂtakÂing and will fulÂly comÂply with all applicÂaÂble South African data proÂtecÂtion legÂisÂlaÂtion (includÂing the ElecÂtronÂic ComÂmuÂniÂcaÂtions and TransÂacÂtions Act 25 of 2002 - ECTA and the ProÂtecÂtion of PerÂsonÂal InforÂmaÂtion Act, No 4 of 2013 - POPI). It is imporÂtant that you take all necÂesÂsary and approÂpriÂate steps to proÂtect your data yourÂself (for examÂple, by ensurÂing that all passÂwords and access codes are kept secure).
12. Access rights
You have a right to access to perÂsonÂal inforÂmaÂtion that is held about you in accorÂdance with The ProÂmoÂtion of Access to InforÂmaÂtion Act, Act 2 of 2000. Please refer to The ProÂmoÂtion of Access to InforÂmaÂtion ManÂuÂal also found on this website.
13. SecuÂriÂty
We take all reaÂsonÂable steps to secure the conÂtents of the MeiÂhuizen webÂsite and the inforÂmaÂtion proÂvidÂed by and colÂlectÂed from users. We do not howÂevÂer make any warÂranÂty or repÂreÂsenÂtaÂtion that the conÂtent of this webÂsite is 100% safe and secure.
© All Rights Reserved MeiÂhuizen Freight (Pty) Ltd, regÂisÂtraÂtion numÂber 1983/007382/07 and any subÂsidiary or affilÂiÂate of the ComÂpaÂny; and any direcÂtor, manÂagÂer, employÂee or agent of the ComÂpaÂny as may be appropriate.