Terms of use

1. Gen­er­al

The term Com­pa­ny refers to Mei­huizen Freight (Pty) Ltd and any sub­sidiary or affil­i­ate of the Com­pa­ny; and any direc­tor, man­ag­er, employ­ee or agent of the Com­pa­ny as may be appro­pri­ate. The terms and con­di­tions laid out are for the use of the pub­lic Mei­huizen Inter­na­tion­al web­site: www.meihuizenint.com.
They do not form part of the Stan­dard Terms and Con­di­tions of the Com­pa­ny, unless specif­i­cal­ly men­tioned, which can be accessed on this web­site or avail­able on request.

You should check this page from time to time to review these terms and con­di­tions. Terms of usage are sub­ject to change. By using or access­ing this web­site you express­ly accept these terms and con­di­tions. If you do not accept these terms and con­di­tions, please do not con­tin­ue to use the web­site. You agree that these terms and con­di­tions apply to any infor­ma­tion accessed via the web­site, and to all sec­tions of the website.

2. Use of the website

The Com­pa­ny has made this web­site avail­able to you for your non-com­mer­cial use. We may mod­i­fy, with­draw or deny access to the web­site at any time should it be found to be sub­ject­ed to any unau­tho­rised use or abuse. You may print or down­load mate­r­i­al on this web­site for your per­son­al, non-com­mer­cial use pro­vid­ed that it is not in con­tra­ven­tion of the lim­i­ta­tions of use set out below.

3. Lim­i­ta­tions of use

Users of the web­site are respon­si­ble for the data or con­tent of any doc­u­ments, com­mu­ni­ca­tions or scripts of what­so­ev­er nature pro­duced or trans­mit­ted on the web­site or sys­tem. The fol­low­ing is strict­ly pro­hib­it­ed in terms of use of the website:

  • Send­ing, receiv­ing, intro­duc­ing, dis­play­ing, access­ing web­sites, print­ing or oth­er­wise dis­sem­i­nat­ing mate­r­i­al that is strict­ly pro­hib­it­ed. Pro­hib­it­ed mate­r­i­al includes but is not lim­it­ed to con­tent that is sex­u­al­ly explic­it, pro­fane, obscene, harass­ing, fraud­u­lent, racial­ly offen­sive, defam­a­to­ry, destruc­tive pro­grams (i.e. virus­es or self-repli­cat­ing code) or which is oth­er­wise unlawful.
  • Vio­lat­ing any nation­al or inter­na­tion­al laws;
  • Wast­ing com­put­er recourse, such as send­ing mass email or chain let­ters or print­ing unnec­es­sary doc­u­ments; Infring­ing any copyrights;
  • Down­load­ing or installing any unau­tho­rised pro­grammes or soft­ware on the sys­tem, includ­ing any ‘free­ware’ or ‘share­ware’ products;
  • Removal of any hard­ware; and
  • Tak­ing part in any fraud­u­lent activ­i­ties. The user of this web­site in no way rep­re­sents or binds the Com­pa­ny and the Com­pa­ny can­not be held liable for the activ­i­ties per­formed by any user, whether autho­rised or unauthorized

4. Lia­bil­i­ty

Although the Com­pa­ny endeav­ors to ensure the web­site and sys­tems are secure and updat­ed reg­u­lar­ly, the Com­pa­ny can­not be held liable for any loss harm or dam­age suf­fered as a result of the use of the web­site or users who fall sub­ject to hack­ing, data loss etc. We do not guar­an­tee that the web­site will be avail­able all the time or at any spe­cif­ic time, that access will be unin­ter­rupt­ed, that there will be no delays, fail­ure, errors or omis­sions or loss of trans­mit­ted information.

We reserve the right to mod­i­fy the web­site or sys­tem at any time. We shall not be liable to you for any phys­i­cal loss or dam­age as a result of your use of this com­put­er, web­site or system.

The Com­pa­ny has tak­en all rea­son­able steps to reduce the risks of virus­es and oth­er inter­fer­ences or vul­ner­a­bil­i­ties, but can­not cer­ti­fy that the web­site or sys­tem is immune to all virus­es or defects and there­fore does not accept any lia­bil­i­ty for any dam­age suf­fered or loss sus­tained as a result of any trans­mis­sion, use of the web­site or sys­tem or its effect on or com­pro­mis­ing of any oth­er web­site, sys­tems and/or device. You have sole respon­si­bil­i­ty for ade­quate pro­tec­tion and back up of any data or information.

5. Lim­i­ta­tion of Liability

The infor­ma­tion con­tained on this web­site is giv­en for gen­er­al infor­ma­tion and inter­est pur­pos­es only. Whilst we try and ensure the infor­ma­tion con­tained on the web­site is accu­rate and up to date, we can­not be respon­si­ble for any inac­cu­ra­cies in the infor­ma­tion. As a result, you should not rely on this infor­ma­tion, and we rec­om­mend that you take fur­ther advice or seek fur­ther guid­ance before tak­ing any action based on the infor­ma­tion con­tained on this web­site. Our lia­bil­i­ty to you as explained here­in remains unaf­fect­ed by this. We do not accept any lia­bil­i­ty for any acts or omis­sions result­ing from your deci­sion or opin­ion formed on the basis of your use of the web­site. Use of this web­site is at your sole risk.

We shall not be liable for any loss or dam­age what­so­ev­er and how­so­ev­er aris­ing as a result of your use of or reliance on the infor­ma­tion con­tained on the web­site to the max­i­mum extent per­mit­ted by law. We do not guar­an­tee that this web­site will be com­pat­i­ble with all or any hard­ware and soft­ware which you may use.

We do not guar­an­tee that this web­site will be avail­able all the time or at any spe­cif­ic time, that access will be unin­ter­rupt­ed, that there will be no delays, fail­ure, errors or omis­sions or loss of trans­mit­ted infor­ma­tion. We reserve the right to with­draw or mod­i­fy this web­site at any time. We shall not be liable to you for any phys­i­cal loss or dam­age to your com­put­er as a result of your use of this web­site, includ­ing any dam­age aris­ing as a result of a virus. You have sole respon­si­bil­i­ty for ade­quate pro­tec­tion and back up of data and/or equipment.

6. Dis­claimer

We specif­i­cal­ly state that the infor­ma­tion con­tained on this web­site is intend­ed exclu­sive for juris­dic­tions falling inside the Repub­lic of South Africa. Those who access this web­site do so on their own ini­tia­tive and are there­fore respon­si­ble for com­pli­ance with applic­a­ble local laws and reg­u­la­tions. By access­ing each part of this web­site, the entrant has agreed that he/she has reviewed the web­site in its entire­ty includ­ing any legal or reg­u­la­to­ry terms.

7. Links to oth­er web­sites and services

The web­site may con­tain links to oth­er web­sites, which are not under our con­trol. The links to oth­er sites are for your con­ve­nience and we do not accept any respon­si­bil­i­ty or lia­bil­i­ty for enabling you to link to any oth­er web­site, for the con­tents of any oth­er web­site, for the secu­ri­ty of any oth­er web­site, or for any con­se­quence of your act­ing upon the con­tents of such web­site. No endorse­ment or approval of any third par­ties or their advice, opin­ions, infor­ma­tion, prod­ucts or ser­vices is expressed or implied by any infor­ma­tion on the website.

8. Sev­er­abil­i­ty

If any part of these terms and con­di­tions is found by any court or oth­er com­pe­tent author­i­ty to be invalid, unlaw­ful or unen­force­able then such part shall be sev­ered from the rest of the terms and con­di­tions which shall con­tin­ue to be valid and enforce­able to the fullest extent per­mit­ted by law.

9. Gov­ern­ing Law and jurisdiction

These terms and your use of this web­site are gov­erned by and con­strued in accor­dance with laws of The Repub­lic of South Africa and any dis­putes will be decid­ed only by the courts of The Repub­lic of South Africa.

  • Reg­u­la­tion of Inter­cep­tion of Com­mu­ni­ca­tions (RIC) Act 70 of 2002. You here­by pro­vide us with per­mis­sion in terms of Sec­tion 4(1) of the Act to inter­cept any com­mu­ni­ca­tion by accept­ing these terms and con­di­tions and by using our web­site you agree to the writ­ing require­ments imposed by the Act.
  • Elec­tron­ic Com­mu­ni­ca­tions and Trans­ac­tions (ECT) Act 25 of 2002. Sec­tion 21 of the Act requires the Com­pa­ny to reach agree­ment as to the trans­mis­sion of data mes­sages and by using our web­site you agree that: 
    • this agree­ment is con­clud­ed in Cape Town South Africa
    • data mes­sages addressed by you, can only be deemed to have been received by the Company
    • if they have been respond­ed to.
    • an auto­mat­ed response gen­er­at­ed by the Com­pa­nies sys­tems shall not con­sti­tute a response to you.
  • You agree that data mes­sages sent to the Com­pa­ny from a com­put­er, IP address or mobile device nor­mal­ly used by you, was sent or autho­rised to be sent by you personally.

10. Email

When the Com­pa­ny com­mu­ni­cates with you via email, the infor­ma­tion con­tained in the email is con­fi­den­tial and may con­tain pro­pri­etary and/or per­son­al infor­ma­tion. It is meant sole­ly for the intend­ed recip­i­ent. Access to the email by any­one else is unau­tho­rised. If you are not the intend­ed recip­i­ent, any pro­cess­ing of the email or the infor­ma­tion con­tained there­in (includ­ing dis­clo­sure, copy­ing, dis­tri­b­u­tion, stor­age) or any action tak­en or omit­ted in reliance on this, is pro­hib­it­ed and may be unlawful.

No lia­bil­i­ty or respon­si­bil­i­ty is accept­ed if infor­ma­tion or data is, for what­ev­er rea­son cor­rupt­ed or does not reach its intend­ed recip­i­ent. No war­ran­ty is giv­en that the email is free of virus­es. The views expressed in the email are, unless oth­er­wise stat­ed, those of the author and not those of the Company.

The Com­pa­ny reserves the right to mon­i­tor, inter­cept and block emails addressed to its users or take any oth­er action in accor­dance with its inter­nal IT poli­cies. Emails are tracked by the Com­pa­ny for ana­lyt­i­cal pur­pos­es name­ly to deter­mine how the recip­i­ent engages in the email e.g.) whether or not the email was deliv­ered, opened, read or forwarded.

11. Data Pro­tec­tion and Pro­tec­tion of Per­son­al Infor­ma­tion Policy

By pro­vid­ing us with any infor­ma­tion you will be agree­ing to the pro­vi­sions set out below, togeth­er with any oth­er terms you have agreed with the Com­pa­ny where rel­e­vant. Please ensure you have read and under­stood these terms before you send the Com­pa­ny any infor­ma­tion. This will apply to any infor­ma­tion you have already provided.

If you are a Cus­tomer of the Com­pa­ny, details of the infor­ma­tion we col­lect and how we use it will be set out in our POPIA Man­u­al and Under­tak­ing, also found on this web­site. In the event of a con­flict between the POPIA Man­u­al and Under­tak­ing and the Stan­dard Terms and Con­di­tions, the Stan­dard Terms and Con­di­tions will take precedence.

We reserve the right to revise or sup­ple­ment the POPIA Man­u­al and Under­tak­ing from time to time at our sole dis­cre­tion, and you agree to revis­it this pol­i­cy reg­u­lar­ly to ensure you are famil­iar with the most cur­rent ver­sion. By con­tin­u­ing to deal with us you will be agree­ing to any such change.

You must not send us per­son­al infor­ma­tion about some­one else with­out first get­ting his or her con­sent for it to be used and dis­closed in the ways set out in this terms and con­di­tions. This is because we will assume, he or she has con­sent­ed although we may still ask for con­fir­ma­tion from them. Where you do give us infor­ma­tion about some­one else, or some­one else dis­clos­es a con­nec­tion with you, that infor­ma­tion may be tak­en into account with your oth­er per­son­al information.

We treat your pri­va­cy very seri­ous­ly and we under­stand that you will wish to know how we will use the infor­ma­tion we col­lect from or about you. We use your per­son­al infor­ma­tion in accor­dance with the POPIA Man­u­al and Under­tak­ing and will ful­ly com­ply with all applic­a­ble South African data pro­tec­tion leg­is­la­tion (includ­ing the Elec­tron­ic Com­mu­ni­ca­tions and Trans­ac­tions Act 25 of 2002 - ECTA and the Pro­tec­tion of Per­son­al Infor­ma­tion Act, No 4 of 2013 - POPI). It is impor­tant that you take all nec­es­sary and appro­pri­ate steps to pro­tect your data your­self (for exam­ple, by ensur­ing that all pass­words and access codes are kept secure).

12. Access rights

You have a right to access to per­son­al infor­ma­tion that is held about you in accor­dance with The Pro­mo­tion of Access to Infor­ma­tion Act, Act 2 of 2000. Please refer to The Pro­mo­tion of Access to Infor­ma­tion Man­u­al also found on this website.

13. Secu­ri­ty

We take all rea­son­able steps to secure the con­tents of the Mei­huizen web­site and the infor­ma­tion pro­vid­ed by and col­lect­ed from users. We do not how­ev­er make any war­ran­ty or rep­re­sen­ta­tion that the con­tent of this web­site is 100% safe and secure.

© All Rights Reserved Mei­huizen Freight (Pty) Ltd, reg­is­tra­tion num­ber 1983/007382/07 and any sub­sidiary or affil­i­ate of the Com­pa­ny; and any direc­tor, man­ag­er, employ­ee or agent of the Com­pa­ny as may be appropriate.

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