St Hele­na Island

Mei­huizen Inter­na­tion­al offer an end to end ser­vice for ship­ments to St Hele­na Island and Ascen­sion Island from the Unit­ed King­dom, Cape Town and Walvis Bay, and oth­er source loca­tions on request.

All car­go book­ings are cen­tralised through the Mei­huizen Inter­na­tion­al office in Cape Town.

One full voy­age rota­tion every six weeks

  • Bulk and Break­bulk Cargo

  • Project Car­go

  • Haz­ardous Cargo

  • Con­tainer­ized Cargo

Your Con­tact

Richard For­tune

Exec­u­tive Mar­ket­ing Man­ag­er / St Hele­na Ship­ping Service

Phone: +27 21 4405400
Mobile: +27 83 4555006

Maria Ander­son

St Hele­na Ship­ping Ser­vice Manager

Phone: +27 21 4405400
Mobile: +27 83 4555013

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