Sea LogisÂtics
Your taiÂlored serÂvices cenÂtral StaÂtion for import and export
For all aspects of carÂgo moveÂment, includÂing conÂvenÂtionÂal, conÂtainerÂized, perÂishÂable, abnorÂmal and hazÂardous cargo.

: GlobÂal Agency NetÂwork of selectÂed agents
: A fulÂly inteÂgratÂed cusÂtoms clearÂance and forÂwardÂing department
: ConÂnectÂed to the most modÂern cusÂtoms and logisÂtics sysÂtems in the world
Your BenÂeÂfit
SecuÂriÂty and smooth processÂes worldwide.
Details of our Service

Your ConÂtact
Phone: +27 21 440 5400