Marine CarÂgo Insurance
Full peace of mind
You may be exposed to mateÂrÂiÂal risk while your carÂgo is in tranÂsit. These lossÂes and damÂages can be extremeÂly costÂly and disÂrupÂtive. MeiÂhuizen InterÂnaÂtionÂal is manÂdatÂed by Marsh Marine (Pty) Ltd, a licensed FinanÂcial SerÂvices Provider (FSP No. 481) to proÂvide you with a cost-effecÂtive comÂpreÂhenÂsive covÂer for your cargo.
We hanÂdle all adminÂisÂtraÂtion, preÂmiÂums, cerÂtifiÂcates as well as any decÂlaÂraÂtions and claims on your behalf to givÂing you full peace of mind while your carÂgo is in transit.
Your ConÂtact
Maria AnderÂson
St HeleÂna ShipÂping SerÂvice Manager
Phone: +27 21 4405400
Mobile: +27 83 4555013