Marine Car­go Insurance

Full peace of mind

  • Lim­it your risk, while your Car­go is in transit.

  • Mei­huizen Inter­na­tion­al and Marsh Marine (Pty) Ltd - two part­ners who know what is impor­tant for your Cargo

  • We han­dle all admin­is­tra­tion, pre­mi­ums, certificates 

  • We han­dle any dec­la­ra­tions and claims on your behalf

  • The ulti­mate risk man­age­ment solution.

You may be exposed to mate­r­i­al risk while your car­go is in tran­sit. These loss­es and dam­ages can be extreme­ly cost­ly and dis­rup­tive. Mei­huizen Inter­na­tion­al is man­dat­ed by Marsh Marine (Pty) Ltd, a licensed Finan­cial Ser­vices Provider (FSP No. 481) to pro­vide you with a cost-effec­tive com­pre­hen­sive cov­er for your cargo.

We han­dle all admin­is­tra­tion, pre­mi­ums, cer­tifi­cates as well as any dec­la­ra­tions and claims on your behalf to giv­ing you full peace of mind while your car­go is in transit.

Your Con­tact

Maria Ander­son

St Hele­na Ship­ping Ser­vice Manager

Phone: +27 21 4405400
Mobile: +27 83 4555013

Quick Call­back request

    Con­tact us today to dis­cuss your ship­ping needs. We will tai­lor a solu­tion to match your requirements.

    We make your mis­sion pos­si­ble.
