R&R InteÂriÂor Designs
Design ideas from start to finÂish with a hand on approach.
Help clients quickÂly and effiÂcientÂly in all areas around their interior
InteÂriÂor 3D Design, ArchiÂtecÂturÂal Design
Designs are visualised
Every design is unique
- Set up and delivÂer the design
- WorkÂing with a wide variety
of supÂpliÂers localÂly and internationally
Details of our Service
Our skilled colÂlabÂoÂraÂtion of designÂers offers a full design serÂvice. We underÂstand that each person's style is difÂferÂent, we work closeÂly with the client to creÂate a
perÂsonÂalÂized projects that suit their needs and budÂgets. StoÂryÂboards are creÂatÂed through space planÂning thi s way beauÂtiÂful timeÂless spaces are
creÂatÂed. CusÂtomized manÂuÂfacÂturÂing of furÂniÂture and decÂoÂratÂing feaÂture s are manÂuÂfacÂtured by our expert suppliers.
Our design team conÂtinÂues to work togethÂer closeÂly as a team on projects to be able to help clients quickÂly and effiÂcientÂly in all areas. Designs are visuÂalÂized by colÂlabÂoÂratÂing on ideas, keepÂing conÂcepts fresh and excitÂing. Our 3D visuÂalÂizaÂtion softÂware makes designs come to life. Since every client is difÂferÂent, every project is takÂen on as a new chalÂlenge and every design is unique.
Our dedÂiÂcatÂed TradÂing team for proÂcureÂment proÂvides a fast and excelÂlent serÂvice. WorkÂing with a wide variÂety of supÂpliÂers localÂly and interÂnaÂtionÂalÂly, we can source whatÂevÂer prodÂuct or comÂmodÂiÂty is needÂed. We believe that good relaÂtionÂships are key to good busiÂness. Thus we strive to build and conÂtinÂue our excelÂlent supÂpliÂer relaÂtionÂships and ensurÂing that the best qualÂiÂty prodÂucts are obtained for our clients.
We take great care in the packÂing and securÂing of goods. ExtenÂsive qualÂiÂty checks are done before items are exportÂed. Our hands on approach means that all
items are superÂvised durÂing delivÂery to our wareÂhouse, as well as the packÂing of conÂtainÂers minÂiÂmizÂing the risk for damÂage . All shipÂping docÂuÂments are preÂpared in house by our experts to ensure that client inforÂmaÂtion is corÂrect. In this way, we can delivÂer items withÂout inciÂdent and meet deadÂlines every time.
Whether it is Sea, Road or AirÂfreight we are able to assist with any requireÂments. We take care of all types of shipÂments, from FCL (full conÂtainÂer loads) LCL (less conÂtainÂer loads) or Break Bulk . The conÂtainÂers are packed and inspectÂed at our nomÂiÂnatÂed w areÂhouse. We are always present at loadÂing sites when loading
conÂtainÂers to make sure that all carÂgo is packed propÂerÂly. Our dedÂiÂcatÂed team will ensure that your preÂcious carÂgo will reach safeÂly at the destination.
Your ConÂtact
RoweÂna Ramos
TradÂing Manager
Phone: +27 21 4405400
Mobile: +27 71 8987748
Quick CallÂback request
ConÂtact us today to disÂcuss your shipÂping needs. We will taiÂlor a soluÂtion to match your requirements.