AngoÂla South Line
AngoÂla South Line (ASL) is mainÂly focused on the Angolan marÂket and offers a serÂvice carÂryÂing carÂgo to AngoÂla and back on a regÂuÂlar basis. Local experÂtise is proÂvidÂed by Angolana de NaveÂgÂaÂcao LDA, an Angolan comÂpaÂny with well estabÂlished links to the local indusÂtry and main conÂtainÂer terÂmiÂnal operÂaÂtor in LuanÂda. This serÂvice is comÂpleteÂly flexÂiÂble to your project speÂcifÂic needs.
Your mulÂtiÂpurÂpose linÂer serÂvice along West Africa and Angola.


Details of our Service

Our StoÂry
Your ConÂtact

Richard ForÂtune
ExecÂuÂtive MarÂketÂing Manager
Phone: +27 21 4405400
Mobile: +27 83 4555006

Maria AnderÂson
LinÂer SerÂvice Manager
Phone: +27 21 4405400
Mobile: +27 83 4555013