FreÂquentÂly asked questions
What is the difÂferÂence between CusÂtoms ClearÂing & Freight ForÂwardÂing?Ruhan Choudree2021-03-25T17:06:31+02:00
- CusÂtoms clearÂing is the process of comÂpletÂing CusÂtoms forÂmalÂiÂties necÂesÂsary to allow goods to be importÂed or exportÂed to or from a counÂtry. This includes payÂment of all legÂisÂlatÂed taxÂes (CusÂtoms and VAT) as well as fulÂfillÂment of the requireÂments of othÂer govÂernÂment departÂments such as AgriÂculÂture Forestry & FishÂeries, Health, Trade & IndusÂtry and TransÂport (MarÂitime and Aviation).
- Freight ForÂwardÂing is a serÂvice proÂvidÂed by speÂcialÂist LogisÂtics SerÂvice Providers (Freight ForÂwarders) for arrangÂing importÂing or exportÂing of goods by Sea, Air or Land on behalf of their cusÂtomers, from point of oriÂgin to final destination.
Freight ForÂwarders use estabÂlished relaÂtionÂships with Air, Sea and Land CarÂriÂers to ensure the best trade-off between speed, reliÂaÂbilÂiÂty and cost whilst fulÂfillÂing cusÂtomer requirements.
How long will the cusÂtoms clearÂance process take?Andrea Saidi2021-03-25T16:58:20+02:00
AnyÂwhere from 5 minÂutes to 2 workÂing days, dependÂing on the carÂgo and othÂer variÂable factors.
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