MeiÂhuizen International
Our staff
Since 1983 the best in the business.
We have extenÂsive knowlÂedge and expeÂriÂence in all aspects of shipÂping and will covÂer your every need, from cusÂtoms clearÂing and freight forÂwardÂing, to ships agency and AntarcÂtic LogisÂtics, your needs are our highÂest priority.
Make use of MeiÂhuizen International’s strengths and skills today, we are the best in the business.


Peter MeiÂhuizen
Founder and ManÂagÂing Director
Phone: +27 21 4405400
Mobile: +27 83 4555012

Gavin Paulsen
Import ,Export and C&F Director
Phone: +27 21 4405400
Mobile: +27 83 412 5556

Gary Manuel
MarÂketÂing and ShipÂping OperÂaÂtions Director
Phone: +27 21 4405400
Mobile: +27 83 5577154

RoweÂna Ramos
TradÂing & ProÂcureÂment Director
Phone: +27 21 4405400
Mobile: +27 71 8987748

Colleen Jooste
FinanÂcial Director
Phone: +27 21 4405400
Mobile: +27 83 4555003

MarÂiÂanne Wolmarans
AntarcÂtic & SpeÂcial Projects Director
Phone: +27 21 4405400
Mobile: +27 82 5614004
ManÂagers and SecÂtion Heads

Richard ForÂtune
ExecÂuÂtive MarÂketÂing Manager
Phone: +27 21 4405400
Mobile: +27 83 4555006

Daniel KanÂnemeyÂer
Export Manager
Phone: +27 21 4405400
Mobile: +27 83 4555004

Maria AnderÂson
LinÂer SerÂvice Manager
Phone: +27 21 4405400
Mobile: +27 83 4555013

MerÂenÂtia Fredericks
Accounts ManÂagÂer
Phone: +27 21 4405400
Mobile: +27 83 4555008

ShaÂheen Van der Schyff
AirÂfreight Controller
Phone: +27 21 4405400
Mobile: +27 83 4555011

Ruhan Choudree
NetÂwork and SysÂtems Administrator
Phone: +27 21 4405400
Mobile: +27 83 4555015