MeiÂhuizen International
Make your misÂsion possible.

ReliÂaÂbilÂiÂty and smooth processÂes since about 40 years worldwide.
MeiÂhuizen InterÂnaÂtionÂal was estabÂlished in 1983 and proÂvides inteÂgratÂed logisÂtic soluÂtions in a niche marÂket as a freight forÂwarder and cusÂtoms clearÂing agency. Since then, we have gained extenÂsive knowlÂedge and expeÂriÂence in all aspects of shipÂping, cusÂtoms clearÂing and freight forÂwardÂing, ships agency, AviÂaÂtion logisÂtics, AntarcÂtic logisÂtics, linÂer serÂvices, proÂcureÂment, and marine carÂgo insurance.
We invite you to make use of our serÂvices and draw on our strengths and skills to enhance and develÂop your own busiÂness activÂiÂties. Our soluÂtions are focused on serÂvice excellence.
The comÂpaÂny is ownÂer-manÂaged, and the ownÂers are conÂtinÂuÂousÂly and directÂly involved in all aspects of the operÂaÂtions. This allows us to offer a more perÂsonÂalÂized serÂvice, but at the same time mainÂtainÂing a genÂuine interÂest in enhancÂing the serÂvices and prodÂucts we have to offer you.
We are dedÂiÂcatÂed to proÂvidÂing a high stanÂdard, while remainÂing flexÂiÂble enough to meet the ever-changÂing needs of our clients.
An open-door polÂiÂcy, flexÂiÂbilÂiÂty to suit speÂcifÂic indusÂtry needs and an interÂnaÂtionÂal netÂwork of estabÂlished agents, enables us to proÂvide cusÂtomised soluÂtions and the best of perÂsonÂal service.
We are the one-stop shop when it comes to all your interÂnaÂtionÂal tradÂing requirements.