Make your mission

As one of South Africa’s lead­ing logis­tics sup­ply chain agen­cies, we pride our­selves to be a one-stop Sea & Air Car­go solu­tion. For over 38 years we have been pro­vid­ing sophis­ti­cat­ed ser­vices in all major loca­tions through­out the world, tai­lored to your spe­cif­ic requirements.

Logis­tics & Liner

Cus­toms Clearing

Peace of Mind with our advanced com­put­erised sys­tem and exper­tise in clear­ing car­go with customs.

Freight For­ward­ing

Door-to-Door ser­vice with our Glob­al Agency Net­work and best pos­si­ble rates to meet your spe­cif­ic requirements.

Avi­a­tion Logistics

Your one-stop bespoke solu­tion for ship­ping heli­copters and fixed wing aircrafts.

Antarc­tic Logistics

Your “gate­way” to the Antarc­tic and South­ern Atlantic.

Ango­la South Line

Your mul­ti­pur­pose lin­er ser­vice along West Africa and Angola.

East Africa Line

Your tai­lor-made mul­ti­pur­pose lin­er ser­vice along the East Africa Coast.

St Hele­na

Your mul­ti­pur­pose lin­er ser­vice along West Africa and St Helena.

Agency & Special

Ships Agency Service

Com­plete Peace of Mind in the Port with our 24 hour, ded­i­cat­ed and expe­ri­enced team.


From Fuel to Face Masks. Any­thing you want, we can get it. BBBEE Lev­el 1

Inte­ri­or 3d Design

All your Inte­ri­or 3D Design, Pro­cure­ment and logis­ti­cal needs under one roof.

Marine Car­go Insurance

Your com­plete Risk Man­age­ment Solu­tion for your cargo.

Con­tact us today to dis­cuss your ship­ping needs. We will tai­lor a solu­tion to match your requirements.

We make your mis­sion pos­si­ble.
